Free Sourcing Service
Yarns, fabrics, apparels, home textiles, technical textiles & textile machinery
From over 200,000 suppliers of China pre-qualified by our professional team

To come to China to find suppliers there is a true venture! I was used to relying on economic missions and organized business trips in order to meet companies meeting my needs. But, each time, I was very disappointed by the quality of the appointments, which only corresponded very seldom to my request. I believe they used the local directory to find a company likely to be interested and I do not have to tell to you how far they are from my needs!

Thanks to TEXINDEX, I finally found a qualified professional, who established a truth sourcing answering exactly my waitings. An astonishing organization, with targeted and framed appointments, in the same place, a true revolution!!!

For example, I was searching for a company able to make very technical clothing in order to answer an invitation to tender for the French public market. They carried out a first selection in their data base, disseminated information through their Internet site, started again the most qualified companies and, the following day, I had the choice among three very strong companies, with detailed information for each one of them.

Reactivity, effectiveness, and quality of the service, here are qualities of a true professional of B to B Website. I thank TEXINDEX for taking part in the success of my business in China!

Sebastien CHIGOT
Manager, Ad Hoc Company
33 rue du pont neuf - 75001 Paris - France
Tel: +33 (0) 4 66 04 70 39 Fax: +33 (0) 4 66 04 70 40