Solstudio Textile Group company and the Russian Union of Entrepreneurs of Textile and Apparel Industry (SOUZLEGPROM) announces the holding of the 4th International competition for textile designers Textile Design Talents.

In 2020 more than 400 designers from 29 countries participated in the competition. Among the countries represented there were the following: England, Italy, France, Belgium, Denmark, India, China, Israel, Chile and many others.
The competition was held with the support of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Russian Textile Week, Interfabric Exhibition.
The main goal of Textile Design Talents competition is to support talented textile designers, to draw attention of the professional community to them and to help them realize their possibilities in the industry.
Today, textile design is not limited by creation of patterns for fabrics. It has become a basic part of the global term ‘surface design’, that unites developing of patterns for any surfaces: clothes, accessories, shoes and interior.
The artworks of the competition participants will be assessed by the international jury:
-Manon Mangin, fashion department Première Vision
-Izabel Wharton, editor, print & graphics WGSN
-David Shah, the founder of Textile View international magazine
-Giovanni Ottonello, art director IED Istituto Europeo di Design
The jury will be also represented by the following Russian specialists in the field textile design:
-Andrey Razbrodin, the President of the Russian Union of Entrepreneurs of Textile and Apparel Industry, Chairman of the Committee on Textile and Light Industry of the RF CCI;
-Alexandra Kaloshina, the founder of Solstudio Textile Group;
-Irina Rybaulina, Head of the Department of Art of Textile and Ornament, Russian State University named after A.N. Kosygin.
Applications are accepted from December 7, 2020 to February 7, 2021. On February 16 the list of the winners will be formed, the official announcement and awarding ceremony will be held on March 1, 2021 in the framework of the opening of the Russian Textile Week-2021 in the Expocentre Fairgrounds.
The main prize for the winner will be granted by the IED Istituto Europeo di Design in Italy, Como – the summer internship on a ‘Textile Design: Trend Forecast, Painting and Printing’ with paid transfer to Italy.
The prize for the 2nd place is presented by EPSON company – a color cartridgeless printer and printing of 10 t-shirts with the design of the winner.
3rd prize – digital printing on fabric of a participant’s print collection, consisting of 10 drawing at the participant’s choice at the Solstudio Industry factory. The production is fully paid by the organizer.
The winners will also receive AVA CAD program usage license and a certificate for an educational ‘CAD Professional Training (CST)’ course.
Special nominations from Solstudio Textile Design, as well as prizes for all the finalists from Pantone company and KALIBR technopark.
The artworks of the winners and runner-ups of the competition will be presented at the INTERFABRIC-2021.Autumn.
Web site of the competition: https://solstudiodesign.com/en/award.